Tuesday, February 5, 2008


started writing in a journal instead.
We have no internet, maybe tomorrow we will.
My birthday is in 8 days. February 13th.
Valentines day is in 9 days. February 14th.
Father daughter dance? Friday. 3 days. I have to go. ahaha
I go to Phoenix.
I pierced my lip again.
I haven't written in my journal in over two weeks.
I went to yoga today.
I'm starting ballet again soon.
I have to go to the weight room orientation thing tomorrow.
Pretty soon I'll have school, ballet, yoga, working out, Josh, eating, sleeping, writing, and breathing that I have to worry about.
I love writing. I'm excited for ballet and yoga, and exercising. I have the most fantastic boyfriend. I have a feeling I won't get enough sleep. So I'll sleep any chance I have. I'm going to be busy.
I also want to start playing guitar again soon.
I picked up my dads acoustic guitar. I had forgotten the feeling(s) you get, feel, when you play. I. You forget about everything. You feel, beauty, wonder, life, love. You hear beauty, and wonder, and love. You hear life. You feel the music.
it's hard to explain.
But I hope that gets you understanding, and wanting. Wanting to feel and hear all of those things. Wanting to forget about your day, all of your thoughts, your past. You want it. And I want it. I cannot relax. It's too hard. Doing something like playing guitar, is better then trying to relax.

My mom moved back in.
I don't know what to say really.
I need a haircut though. My hair is too long, for my liking. lol.
I think my dad is really cool.
I like him a lot.
he's probably my favorite person, most of the time.
But like everyone else, he annoys and pisses me off easily.
I miss Alex Felt, a lot a lot a lot.
I miss Shaylee Anne Marie Sibley, lots.
i miss my old friends.
my friends.
I've been sort of distancing myself from pretty much everyone.
I'm sorry.
& I miss Pammyyyyy soo much.
She's moving. I'll die without her :(((
And I miss my brother.

Josh makes me feel happy

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