Monday, August 27, 2007


There's many things I can say about him.
He more appeals to me as a friend, than a dad.
It's really cool.
We should be best friends.
I think I kind of wish we were.
That would be really neat.
He's cooler then your dad.
Because your dad is JUST a dad, and my dad, is more.
I know you're jealous.
I'm jealous too.



Anyways, he's really cool!
And he just amazes me, he's really smart.
And I really like his writing.
its really good..

I don't know really.
He took me to sushi once, it was fun.
Go to sushi with him sometime.
You would love it, there is creepy Asian people that work there.
: )

I love him


paul said...

I like this. a lot. I liked our sushi day, let's have another one. Really. let's go somewhere.

$ h e k i n a h said...

I love you