Monday, October 11, 2010

And you don't know who you thought you were.

What are we supposed to do without our minds?
We'll hide away for our souls have been stolen, and now we feel so alone.
Forget all of our needs. You are my one desire.
Touch me. Want me. Love me. Always.
We drown ourselves in feelings of despair, for we have been depraved.
Involuntarily stripped of our sanity, when we were young.
Torn from innocence, we turned our ways.
Our heads abound in vile thoughts...
We began with self destruction.
The mind I swear I once had, I'd admit to be ailing.
It all became a matter of choice, complete with masochism.
We are cold, we are dark, we are sick. But we are passionate, and we are real.
Though my heart may seem dark, it's what I have to offer.
I know it's nothing special, but it will always beat for you.

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